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Fall 2023

The simulacrum is never that which con- ceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true.

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Spring 2023

The apocalypse — the end of the world — has long been a source of religious wonderment, with a bevy of signs, symbols, and interpretations across religious cultures. Different theological perspectives on the apocalypse motivate religious teachings, foster communities, and perhaps impart insight into core human behaviors. Though the variations of the end of the world are paramount separating tenets, certain themes remain consistent among most major religious movements.

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Fall 2022

Devotion is only one of love’s wilder faces — love is curled always at its root. The things we love, we often find ourselves building altars for, bearing like standards on the field. So we hope against hope, we wait by the phone, we offer the shoulder to lean on and the half of our lunch, lend jackets and books and hours without worrying much for when we’ll get them back, because there’s a lot of language in the world, and most of it can’t say “I love you” in the way we need.

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Spring 2022

A REVERIE IS ENDLESS POTENTIAL. We dream up many possible futures. We weave a story from our love, our fear, and ache for an unre- alized potential. We spend hours staring at the wall, the sky, the stars, or a patch of grass, dreaming up a momentary and profound divigation. It’s physics, isn’t it? An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force. Potential energy waits to convert to kinetic energy. Then, suddenly, something shifts. You are that external force.

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